
FAQ/Finding Information About Psychological Tests

The APA Science Directorate answers hundreds of calls and emails each year from
persons trying to locate the right test or find more information about psychological
tests. APA neither sells nor endorses testing instruments, but it does provide
guidance in using available resources to find psychological tests. Answers to
frequently asked questions are provided here.

Section 1: Published Psychological Tests The first section contains information
about published psychological tests — those available for purchase through a test
publisher. It includes tips on how to locate tests within a given subject area, how to
contact the test publisher once you find an appropriate test, and where to find
computerized testing materials and information.

  • Finding Information on a Particular Test
  • Finding a Particular Type of Test
  • Locating a Specific Test
  • Locating Test Publishers
  • Purchasing Tests
  • Test References
  • Available Software and Scoring Services
  • Additional Information on the Proper Use of Tests

Section 2: Unpublished Psychological Tests and Measures The second section
focuses on unpublished psychological tests and measures — those that are not
available commercially for purchase. Information about unpublished tests usually
appears in journal articles. The test can usually be obtained directly from the
researcher who created the test or measure. This section tells you how to find
unpublished tests in your area of interest and highlights your responsibilities as a
user of unpublished psychological tests.
– Printed Directories
– Other Directories

A Final Word and Responsibilities of Test Users

Section 1: Published Psychological Tests

Where can I find tests to measure self-concept?
Can you send me a copy of this test?
Am I qualified to administer this test?

Although some questions like these do require the assistance of professionals, most
can be answered by consulting one of many sources of testing information available
to the public. Whether student, teacher, concerned test-taker, or psychologist,
everyone can benefit from the many reference texts, databases, test reviews, and
other items accessible through local colleges or public libraries.
The following information answers some of the most frequently asked questions
regarding published tests.

Finding Information on a Particular Test
The first place to start is with one of several excellent testing references available at
your local library. These references provide comprehensive, useful, and directive
information on tests. They can also provide answers to a variety of questions, such
as these: What tests are available for a specific purpose (e.g., clerical spatial
relations)? Who publishes the test? How can I evaluate the test? How do I get more
information on a specific test?
Tests in Print (TIP), the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY), Tests, and Test
Critiques are the four most useful and popular references. These are described in
detail later in this document and are available in the reference section of most
college, university, and larger public libraries.

Finding a Particular Type of Test
Whether you are trying to locate tests that measure self-concept, or some other
specific cognitive skill or personality trait, you should begin your search with one of
the four test reference books identified above. If available, TIP may be your best
choice, because it has the most entries per volume: 3,009 in the most recent
edition. Each of the references contains several indexes to aid in such a search.
Subject and test title indexes may be most helpful. For example, suppose you are
interested in measuring self-concept. Looking under ‘personality tests’ in the TIP
subject index, you would quickly find three tests for self-concept. On further
inspection, you would identify over a dozen additional tests that may be relevant,
but are listed somewhere else in the nine-page index of personality tests. Yet a
relatively quick search of a specific subject heading in the index can provide you with
several useful leads.
Once you have identified several tests that may be of interest, you would review the
more detailed entries on each test to determine if they are useful for your intended
purpose. Entries typically identify the age or school grade levels for which the test is
appropriate, as well as any subtests.
Of course, if you are searching for a very specialized test or measure, your search is
not so simple. For example, if you are interested in measuring letter recognition or
honesty, you may not locate any relevant tests through the subject index. In this
case, your best option is to go to the MMY and use the ‘score index,’ which would
identify tests measuring subareas (e.g., honesty, letter recognition).

Locating a Specific Test
Once you have a name or author of a test, your chances of locating it are greatly
improved. Again, you could check any of the four test reference books, but TIP and
the MMY have the largest indexes of tests. Title and author indexes in each of the
reference books should refer you to the section of the book describing the test. (In
the case of the MMY or Test Critiques, you may actually be referred to an earlier
volume of the book for more information).

Locating Test Publishers
Directories of test publishers are included in most major testing reference books
(MMY, Tests, TIP). The size and scope of the directory usually reflects how many
tests are included in that book. For example, TIP provides brief information on the
greatest number of commercially available tests and, thus, has an extensive
publishers directory. The Test Collection at Educational Testing Service (ETS) has a
free pamphlet entitled Major U. S. Publishers of Standardized Tests, which lists the
names, addresses, and phone numbers of 28 major test publishers.

Publishers’ Catalogs
All of the major test publishers have catalogs listing their own products. The catalogs
are published on an annual or semiannual basis. These catalogs are frequently the
best source of information for the most recent editions of a test. Information on the
cost of materials and scoring, types of scoring services, and ancillary materials are
available through the catalogs. The catalogs also include information on variations of
the test, such as large-print or foreign language versions. Contact the test publisher
to request their catalog(s).

Purchasing Tests
Commercially available tests are usually purchased through the test publisher.
Publishers hold the copyright to tests they distribute, and they maintain the copies of
tests, test manuals, and scoring keys.
After locating the name, address, or phone number of a test publisher, contact the
publisher with your request for information on a particular test (including purchase
inquiries). Such inquiries should be made directly to the test publisher. Many
publishers have separate policies for individual and organizational purchases of tests.
Individuals may be required to complete a test purchaser qualifications form that
allows a publisher to determine if the purchaser is qualified and competent to
administer and interpret the test.

Test References
As mentioned earlier, the four most popular, useful, and easy to locate printed
references for published tests are TIP, MMY, Tests, and Test Critiques. The following
is a brief summary of these references.
– Tests in Print (TIP) Publisher: The Buros Institute for Mental Measurements,
Lincoln, NE. Most current volume: 5th ed. (1999).
What information is here? TIP is a bibliographic
encyclopedia of information on every published (and
commercially available) test in psychology and achievement.
Each entry consists of the test title, intended population,
publication date, acronym (if applicable), author, publisher,
foreign adaptations, and references. There are no critical
reviews or psychometric information on the tests; detailed
information on individual tests is available in other reference
books such as MMY or Test Critiques.TIP was created to
serve as a master index to the whole Buros Institute
reference series on tests, including the 11 MMYs and the
monograph series.
What tests are included? The only criterion for inclusion is
that the test be in print and available for purchase or use. So
TIP covers a wide range of tests across psychology,
education, and achievement. In all, there are 3,009 entries in
the fourth edition.
How do I use it? Tests are listed alphabetically, within
subjects. However, if you know a test title, you can flip to an
alphabetical index to find it. There are five indexes: test title,
classified subject, publisher, name (of authors, reviewers),
and a publishers’ directory. These five indexes are handy for
locating tests by means other than the title or for accessing
whole groups of tests for making comparisons (e.g., all tests
tapping vocational interests). After you have located a test
that interests you, turn to the MMY for more detailed
information on that test, or use the directory of publishers to
contact the test publisher for more information.
– Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) Publisher: The Buros Institute for
Mental Measurements, Lincoln, NE. Most current edition: 14th ed. (2001).
What information is here? In the MMY , tests are listed
alphabetically by title. Each entry provides descriptive
information, such as the test name, intended population,
publication dates, forms and prices, test author, and
publisher. It also contains additional information on the
extent to which reliability, validity, norming data, scoring and
reporting services, and foreign language versions are
available. Most entries also include one or more reviews of
the test and testing materials (e.g., manuals) by qualified
What tests are included? The criterion for inclusion in the
MMY is that the test be new or revised since the previous
yearbook, or be so widely used as to generate 20 or more
references in the literature since the previous issue.
Therefore, you will frequently need to refer to earlier
volumes of the MMY for information on all but very recent or
very popular tests. However, the index in each MMY will
identify the appropriate edition for the information you need.
How do I use it? The introduction contains step-by-step
directions for using the text to locate testing information. If
you know the test title, you can look it up directly through
the alphabetical listings. The six indexes arrange tests by
title, acronym, classified subject, publisher, name (author,
reviewer, and published references), and score. These can be
used to access tests about which you have limited
information or to access groups of tests that fit into the same
category (e.g., yield the same score or are all measuring
– Tests Publisher: Pro-Ed, Inc., Austin, TX. Most current edition: 4th ed.
What information is here? Tests, like TIP, is a
bibliographic encyclopedia containing information on
thousands of testing instruments in psychology, education,
and business. It provides concise descriptions of tests, with
each entry including the test title and author, the intended
population, the tests purpose, the major features, the
administration time, the scoring method, the cost and
availability, and the primary publisher. Also, a scanning line
uses coded visual keys to indicate whether the test is self- or
Tests does not contain evaluative critiques or data on
reliability, validity, or norms; this information can be found
for selected instruments in Test Critiques.
What tests are included? Tests was created to provide
quick and easy access to all tests available in the English
language. Several thousand tests are included from the areas
of psychology, education, and business.
How do I use it? The book is divided into three main
sections: ‘Psychology,’ ‘Education,’ and ‘Business,’ with each
of these divided into subsections. Tests are arranged
alphabetically within each subsection.
Tests has seven indexes, including the test title index, author
index, foreign language availability index, and a
publisher/distributor index. Three indexes identify tests
suitable for special populations: the hearing impaired,
visually impaired, and physically impaired. Finally, there is a
listing of out-of-print tests, which shows tests that publishers
indicate have recently gone out-of-print. Use these indexes
to locate information on a particular test or to access whole
groups of tests in your area of interest. A publishers
directory, also located in Tests, gives names, addresses, and
phone numbers of publishers to contact for more information
or purchasing inquiries.
– Test Critiques Publisher: Pro-Ed, Inc., Austin, TX. Most current edition:
updated annually.
What information is here? This text is designed to be a
companion to Tests and contains supplemental information
designated as ‘not appropriate for inclusion in that directory.
This includes psychometric information such as reliability,
validity, and norm development. The tri-part entry for each
test includes an Introduction, Practical Applications/Uses,
and Technical Aspects, followed by a critique. The
Introduction describes the test in detail, including
information on the authors and publisher and the purpose of
the test. Practical Applications/Uses gives information aimed
toward the test user, including intended population,
administration, scoring, and interpretation procedures.
Technical Aspects includes citations from reliability and
validity studies and opinions from experts regarding the
technical adequacy of the test. The text is written for both
professionals and students, with technical terms explained,
and includes helpful information not usually found in other
reference books. This makes it a user-friendly resource for
students, teachers, or persons unfamiliar with test
What tests are included? Tests are chosen for inclusion
based on research on the most frequently used
psychological, educational, and business-related tests.
Selections are also made based on surveys of professional
organizations regarding the tests they would most like to see
critiqued. This text is updated annually, with a cumulative
index keyed to correspond to Tests (10th ed. 1994).
How do I use it? Each volume contains a table of contents
that lists all reviewed tests alphabetically, along with the
name of the reviewer. Each volume also contains cumulative
indexes organized by test title, test publisher, test author
and reviewer, and subject. This makes it easy to locate
information on a test reviewed in any of the volumes, all in
one location. Once you have located and read the review for
any test, contact the publisher for more information
regarding the purchase of the test. Also, because Test
Critiques is a companion to Tests, you can look to the Tests
directory for more information regarding any test described
in Test Critiques.
– Internet Searches
The newest and most comprehensive way to search for
information is through the World Wide Web on the Internet.
The Test Locator allows you to access information from all
the sources listed above. It is a joint effort of the ERIC
Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation at the Catholic
University of America, the Library and Reference Services
Division of ETS, the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements
at the University of Nebraska, and Pro-Ed, a publisher of test
reviews. The Test Locator can be accessed through any of
the three following web sites: http://ericae2.educ.cua.edu,
http://www.unl.edu/buros, or http://www.ets.org.
What information is here? The Test Locator can search
three areas: (I) The Test Review Locator will allow an
individual to enter the name of a test and references of
reviews of the test entered will be listed. (2) The Test
Publisher Locator allows individuals to type in the name of a
publisher and the contact information on that publisher will
be available. (3) The Test Locator also provides access to the
ETS test file, which is a database of over 10,000 published
and unpublished tests.
Available Software and Scoring Services for Published
You can find a multitude of computerized testing materials,
including a variety of software products developed for
administering, scoring, and interpreting published tests.
There are a couple of helpful directories that can lead you to
the software you need.
l What is “Test Reviews Online”?
At the Buros Center for Testing’s website
(www.unl.edu/buros), search engines allow you to examine a
large amount ) of information on tests and testing. “Test
Reviews Online” is a web-based service of the Buros Institute
of Mental Measurements. Test reviews are available to
individuals exactly as they appear in the 9th through 14th
Mental Measurements Yearbooks. In addition, regular
updates are provided from our latest test review database.
For a small fee, users may download information for any of
approximately 2,000 tests that include specifics on test
purpose, population, publication date, administration time,
and descriptive test critiques.

Available Software and Scoring Services

You can find a multitude of computerized testing materials, including a variety of
software products developed for administering, scoring, and interpreting published
tests. There are a couple of helpful directories that can lead you to the software you
– Psychware Sourcebook Publisher: Metritech, Inc., Champaign, IL. Editor:
Samuel E. Krug, PhD. Most current volume: 4th ed. (1993).
What information is here? This handy reference identifies
and describes over 533 computer-based assessment tools,
including computerized versions of paper-and-pencil tests
and computer-based scoring and interpretation systems. It
serves as a directory of available computer services and
contains no reviews or critiques of software or services. Each
item entry provides the test (or instrument) name, supplier,
category (see below), applications, scale restrictions, type
and cost of service, and product description. Also, an
appendix showcases sample screens and sample outputs for
many products, lending a realistic preview of services.
A separate section, Additional Resources, contains
information to direct readers to outside sources of
information on new products and critiques of available ones.
These resources include journals, newsletters, electronic
bulletin boards, and databases.
What tests are included? Instruments are categorized
using the following classification scheme:

Available Software and Scoring Services for Published
You can find a multitude of computerized testing materials,
including a variety of software products developed for
administering, scoring, and interpreting published tests.
There are a couple of helpful directories that can lead you to
the software you need.
– What is “Test Reviews Online”?
At the Buros Center for Testing’s website
(www.unl.edu/buros), search engines allow you to examine a
large amount ) of information on tests and testing. “Test
Reviews Online” is a web-based service of the Buros Institute
of Mental Measurements. Test reviews are available to
individuals exactly as they appear in the 9th through 14th
Mental Measurements Yearbooks. In addition, regular
updates are provided from our latest test review database.
For a small fee, users may download information for any of
approximately 2,000 tests that include specifics on test
purpose, population, publication date, administration time,
and descriptive test critiques.
Available Software and Scoring Services
You can find a multitude of computerized testing materials, including a variety of
software products developed for administering, scoring, and interpreting published
tests. There are a couple of helpful directories that can lead you to the software you
– Psychware Sourcebook Publisher: Metritech, Inc., Champaign, IL. Editor:
Samuel E. Krug, PhD. Most current volume: 4th ed. (1993).
What information is here? This handy reference identifies
and describes over 533 computer-based assessment tools,
including computerized versions of paper-and-pencil tests
and computer-based scoring and interpretation systems. It
serves as a directory of available computer services and
contains no reviews or critiques of software or services. Each
item entry provides the test (or instrument) name, supplier,
category (see below), applications, scale restrictions, type
and cost of service, and product description. Also, an
appendix showcases sample screens and sample outputs for
many products, lending a realistic preview of services.
A separate section, Additional Resources, contains
information to direct readers to outside sources of
information on new products and critiques of available ones.
These resources include journals, newsletters, electronic
bulletin boards, and databases.
What tests are included? Instruments are categorized
using the following classification scheme:

of Test
Locating a Specific Test
Locating Test Publishers
Purchasing Tests
Test References
Available Software and Scoring Services
Additional Information on the Proper Use of Tests
Section 2: Unpublished Psychological Tests and Measures The second section
focuses on unpublished psychological tests and measures — those that are not
available commercially for purchase. Information about unpublished tests usually
appears in journal articles. The test can usually be obtained directly from the
researcher who created the test or measure. This section tells you how to find
unpublished tests in your area of interest and highlights your responsibilities as a
user of unpublished psychological tests.
Printed Directories
Other Directories
A Final Word and Responsibilities of Test Users
Section 1: Published Psychological Tests
Where can I find tests to measure self-concept?
Can you send me a copy of this test?
Am I qualified to administer this test?
Although some questions like these do require the assistance of professionals, most
can be answered by consulting one of many sources of testing information available
to the public. Whether student, teacher, concerned test-taker, or psychologist,
everyone can benefit from the many reference texts, databases, test reviews, and
other items accessible through local colleges or public libraries.
The following information answers some of the most frequently asked questions
regarding published tests.
Finding Information on a Particular Test
The first place to start is with one of several excellent testing references available at
your local library. These references provide comprehensive, useful, and directive
information on tests. They can also provide answers to a variety of questions, such
as these: What tests are available for a specific purpose (e.g., clerical spatial
relations)? Who publishes the test? How can I evaluate the test? How do I get more
information on a specific test?
Tests in Print (TIP), the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY), Tests, and Test
Critiques are the four most useful and popular references. These are described in
detail later in this document and are available in the reference section of most
college, university, and larger public libraries.
Finding a Particular Type of Test
Whether you are trying to locate tests that measure self-concept, or some other
specific cognitive skill or personality trait, you should begin your search with one of
the four test reference books identified above. If available, TIP may be your best
choice, because it has the most entries per volume: 3,009 in the most recent
edition. Each of the references contains several indexes to aid in such a search.
Subject and test title indexes may be most helpful. For example, suppose you are
interested in measuring self-concept. Looking under ‘personality tests’ in the TIP
subject index, you would quickly find three tests for self-concept. On further
inspection, you would identify over a dozen additional tests that may be relevant,
but are listed somewhere else in the nine-page index of personality tests. Yet a
relatively quick search of a specific subject heading in the index can provide you with
several useful leads.
Once you have identified several tests that may be of interest, you would review the
more detailed entries on each test to determine if they are useful for your intended
purpose. Entries typically identify the age or school grade levels for which the test is
appropriate, as well as any subtests.
Of course, if you are searching for a very specialized test or measure, your search is
not so simple. For example, if you are interested in measuring letter recognition or
honesty, you may not locate any relevant tests through the subject index. In this
case, your best option is to go to the MMY and use the ‘score index,’ which would
identify tests measuring subareas (e.g., honesty, letter recognition).
Locating a Specific Test
Once you have a name or author of a test, your chances of locating it are greatly
improved. Again, you could check any of the four test reference books, but TIP and
the MMY have the largest indexes of tests. Title and author indexes in each of the
reference books should refer you to the section of the book describing the test. (In
the case of the MMY or Test Critiques, you may actually be referred to an earlier
volume of the book for more information).
Locating Test Publishers
Directories of test publishers are included in most major testing reference books
(MMY, Tests, TIP). The size and scope of the directory usually reflects how many
tests are included in that book. For example, TIP provides brief information on the
greatest number of commercially available tests and, thus, has an extensive
publishers directory. The Test Collection at Educational Testing Service (ETS) has a
free pamphlet entitled Major U. S. Publishers of Standardized Tests, which lists the
names, addresses, and phone numbers of 28 major test publishers. Call or write to
them for your free copy at ETS, Library, Rosedale Road, Princeton, NJ, 08541, (609)
Publishers’ Catalogs
All of the major test publishers have catalogs listing their own products. The catalogs
are published on an annual or semiannual basis. These catalogs are frequently the
best source of information for the most recent editions of a test. Information on the
cost of materials and scoring, types of scoring services, and ancillary materials are
available through the catalogs. The catalogs also include information on variations of
the test, such as large-print or foreign language versions. Contact the test publisher
to request their catalog(s).
Purchasing Tests
Commercially available tests are usually purchased through the test publisher.
Publishers hold the copyright to tests they distribute, and they maintain the copies of
tests, test manuals, and scoring keys.
After locating the name, address, or phone number of a test publisher, contact the
publisher with your request for information on a particular test (including purchase
inquiries). Such inquiries should be made directly to the test publisher. Many
publishers have separate policies for individual and organizational purchases of tests.
Individuals may be required to complete a test purchaser qualifications form that
allows a publisher to determine if the purchaser is qualified and competent to
administer and interpret the test.
Test References
As mentioned earlier, the four most popular, useful, and easy to locate printed
references for published tests are TIP, MMY, Tests, and Test Critiques. The following
is a brief summary of these references.
l Tests in Print (TIP) Publisher: The Buros Institute for Mental Measurements,
Lincoln, NE. Most current volume: 5th ed. (1999).
What information is here? TIP is a bibliographic
encyclopedia of information on every published (and
commercially available) test in psychology and achievement.
Each entry consists of the test title, intended population,
publication date, acronym (if applicable), author, publisher,
foreign adaptations, and references. There are no critical
reviews or psychometric information on the tests; detailed
information on individual tests is available in other reference
books such as MMY or Test Critiques.TIP was created to
serve as a master index to the whole Buros Institute
reference series on tests, including the 11 MMYs and the
monograph series.
What tests are included? The only criterion for inclusion is
that the test be in print and available for purchase or use. So
TIP covers a wide range of tests across psychology,
education, and achievement. In all, there are 3,009 entries in
the fourth edition.
How do I use it? Tests are listed alphabetically, within
subjects. However, if you know a test title, you can flip to an
alphabetical index to find it. There are five indexes: test title,
classified subject, publisher, name (of authors, reviewers),
and a publishers’ directory. These five indexes are handy for
locating tests by means other than the title or for accessing
whole groups of tests for making comparisons (e.g., all tests
tapping vocational interests). After you have located a test
that interests you, turn to the MMY for more detailed
information on that test, or use the directory of publishers to
contact the test publisher for more information.
l Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) Publisher: The Buros Institute for
Mental Measurements, Lincoln, NE. Most current edition: 14th ed. (2001).
What information is here? In the MMY , tests are listed
alphabetically by title. Each entry provides descriptive
information, such as the test name, intended population,
publication dates, forms and prices, test author, and
publisher. It also contains additional information on the
extent to which reliability, validity, norming data, scoring and
reporting services, and foreign language versions are
available. Most entries also include one or more reviews of
the test and testing materials (e.g., manuals) by qualified
What tests are included? The criterion for inclusion in the
MMY is that the test be new or revised since the previous
yearbook, or be so widely used as to generate 20 or more
references in the literature since the previous issue.
Therefore, you will frequently need to refer to earlier
volumes of the MMY for information on all but very recent or
very popular tests. However, the index in each MMY will
identify the appropriate edition for the information you need.
How do I use it? The introduction contains step-by-step
directions for using the text to locate testing information. If
you know the test title, you can look it up directly through
the alphabetical listings. The six indexes arrange tests by
title, acronym, classified subject, publisher, name (author,
reviewer, and published references), and score. These can be
used to access tests about which you have limited
information or to access groups of tests that fit into the same
category (e.g., yield the same score or are all measuring
l Tests Publisher: Pro-Ed, Inc., Austin, TX. Most current edition: 4th ed.
What information is here? Tests, like TIP, is a
bibliographic encyclopedia containing information on
thousands of testing instruments in psychology, education,
and business. It provides concise descriptions of tests, with
each entry including the test title and author, the intended
population, the tests purpose, the major features, the
administration time, the scoring method, the cost and
availability, and the primary publisher. Also, a scanning line
uses coded visual keys to indicate whether the test is self- or
Tests does not contain evaluative critiques or data on
reliability, validity, or norms; this information can be found
for selected instruments in Test Critiques.
What tests are included? Tests was created to provide
quick and easy access to all tests available in the English
language. Several thousand tests are included from the areas
of psychology, education, and business.
How do I use it? The book is divided into three main
sections: ‘Psychology,’ ‘Education,’ and ‘Business,’ with each
of these divided into subsections. Tests are arranged
alphabetically within each subsection.
Tests has seven indexes, including the test title index, author
index, foreign language availability index, and a
publisher/distributor index. Three indexes identify tests
suitable for special populations: the hearing impaired,
visually impaired, and physically impaired. Finally, there is a
listing of out-of-print tests, which shows tests that publishers
indicate have recently gone out-of-print. Use these indexes
to locate information on a particular test or to access whole
groups of tests in your area of interest. A publishers
directory, also located in Tests, gives names, addresses, and
phone numbers of publishers to contact for more information
or purchasing inquiries.
l Test Critiques Publisher: Pro-Ed, Inc., Austin, TX. Most current edition:
updated annually.
What information is here? This text is designed to be a
companion to Tests and contains supplemental information
designated as ‘not appropriate for inclusion in that directory.
This includes psychometric information such as reliability,
validity, and norm development. The tri-part entry for each
test includes an Introduction, Practical Applications/Uses,
and Technical Aspects, followed by a critique. The
Introduction describes the test in detail, including
information on the authors and publisher and the purpose of
the test. Practical Applications/Uses gives information aimed
toward the test user, including intended population,
administration, scoring, and interpretation procedures.
Technical Aspects includes citations from reliability and
validity studies and opinions from experts regarding the
technical adequacy of the test. The text is written for both
professionals and students, with technical terms explained,
and includes helpful information not usually found in other
reference books. This makes it a user-friendly resource for
students, teachers, or persons unfamiliar with test
What tests are included? Tests are chosen for inclusion
based on research on the most frequently used
psychological, educational, and business-related tests.
Selections are also made based on surveys of professional
organizations regarding the tests they would most like to see
critiqued. This text is updated annually, with a cumulative
index keyed to correspond to Tests (10th ed. 1994).
How do I use it? Each volume contains a table of contents
that lists all reviewed tests alphabetically, along with the
name of the reviewer. Each volume also contains cumulative
indexes organized by test title, test publisher, test author
and reviewer, and subject. This makes it easy to locate
information on a test reviewed in any of the volumes, all in
one location. Once you have located and read the review for
any test, contact the publisher for more information
regarding the purchase of the test. Also, because Test
Critiques is a companion to Tests, you can look to the Tests
directory for more information regarding any test described
in Test Critiques.
l Internet Searches
The newest and most comprehensive way to search for
information is through the World Wide Web on the Internet.
The Test Locator allows you to access information from all
the sources listed above. It is a joint effort of the ERIC
Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation at the Catholic
University of America, the Library and Reference Services
Division of ETS, the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements
at the University of Nebraska, and Pro-Ed, a publisher of test
reviews. The Test Locator can be accessed through any of
the three following web sites: http://ericae2.educ.cua.edu,
http://www.unl.edu/buros, or http://www.ets.org.
What information is here? The Test Locator can search
three areas: (I) The Test Review Locator will allow an
individual to enter the name of a test and references of
reviews of the test entered will be listed. (2) The Test
Publisher Locator allows individuals to type in the name of a
publisher and the contact information on that publisher will
be available. (3) The Test Locator also provides access to the
ETS test file, which is a database of over 10,000 published
and unpublished tests.
Available Software and Scoring Services for Published
You can find a multitude of computerized testing materials,
including a variety of software products developed for
administering, scoring, and interpreting published tests.
There are a couple of helpful directories that can lead you to
the software you need.
l What is “Test Reviews Online”?
At the Buros Center for Testing’s website
(www.unl.edu/buros), search engines allow you to examine a
large amount ) of information on tests and testing. “Test
Reviews Online” is a web-based service of the Buros Institute
of Mental Measurements. Test reviews are available to
individuals exactly as they appear in the 9th through 14th
Mental Measurements Yearbooks. In addition, regular
updates are provided from our latest test review database.
For a small fee, users may download information for any of
approximately 2,000 tests that include specifics on test
purpose, population, publication date, administration time,
and descriptive test critiques.
Available Software and Scoring Services
You can find a multitude of computerized testing materials, including a variety of
software products developed for administering, scoring, and interpreting published
tests. There are a couple of helpful directories that can lead you to the software you
l Psychware Sourcebook Publisher: Metritech, Inc., Champaign, IL. Editor:
Samuel E. Krug, PhD. Most current volume: 4th ed. (1993).
What information is here? This handy reference identifies
and describes over 533 computer-based assessment tools,
including computerized versions of paper-and-pencil tests
and computer-based scoring and interpretation systems. It
serves as a directory of available computer services and
contains no reviews or critiques of software or services. Each
item entry provides the test (or instrument) name, supplier,
category (see below), applications, scale restrictions, type
and cost of service, and product description. Also, an
appendix showcases sample screens and sample outputs for
many products, lending a realistic preview of services.
A separate section, Additional Resources, contains
information to direct readers to outside sources of
information on new products and critiques of available ones.
These resources include journals, newsletters, electronic
bulletin boards, and databases.
What tests are included? Instruments are categorized
using the following classification scheme:




Personality; and

Structured Interview.
The 533 products described consist of both computer-based
test interpretation (CBTI) packages and assessment
How do I use it? Seven indexes provide easy access to the
wide range of assessment tools included. The test title index
makes it easy to trace a computer-based test version back to
its paper-and-pencil counterpart. Other indexes arrange
entries by product category, product application, service
(including hardware compatibility), and supplier. These are
useful in searching for a host of available services for one
particular test (e.g., the MMPI) or in locating products
compatible with your own computer (e.g., Macintosh).
Where can I find it? Ask the reference librarian at your
university or college library. If you cannot locate it, contact
the publisher, Metritech, Inc.
For Additional Information on the Proper Use of Tests:
The following publications represent standards, guidelines, and principles that
have been carefully developed by psychologists, educators, and researchers to
achieve and maintain ethical testing practices by the whole community. If you
are interested in locating guidelines on the proper use of tests, you can consult
the following:
¡ Standards for educational and psychological testing. (1985). Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association. (800) 374-2721.
¡ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Civil Service Commission,
Department of Labor, & Department of Justice. (1978). Adoption by four
agencies of uniform guidelines on employeeselection procedures. Federal
Register, 43 (166), 38290-38315.
¡ Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc. (1987).
Principles for the validation and use of personnel selection procedures
(3rd ed.). College Park, MD. (708) 640-0068.
¡ Joint Committee on Testing Practices (1988). Code of fair testing
practices in education. National Council on Measurement in Education.
(202) 223-9318.
Section 2: Unpublished Psychological
Tests and Measures
What do you do when you need to identify and find instruments in a research
area where no published tests exist?
What do you do when you try to find a specific test that has been used in a
research study, but is not listed as a published test?
What responsibilities do you have when using an unpublished test?
Psychological measures are not limited to published tests; a gold mine of
unpublished (or noncommercial) inventories, checklists, scales, projective
techniques, and other instruments exist in the behavioral sciences literature.
Unfortunately, only a few individuals who work in these areas know that the
instruments exist or where to find them.
Locating these instruments is frustrating if you don’t know where to look. Many
researchers, unaware that measures may exist that are suited to their needs,
re-create instruments for their own research. This process is a two-fold waste;
usable instruments lie dormant, and time that could be spent refining existing
measures is instead spent virtually duplicating them. But finding instruments
to suit your needs can be easy if you know where to look.
Printed Directories
The following are two of the more popular printed directories of unpublished or
noncommercial tests and measures.
¡ Directory of Unpublished Experimental Measures Publisher: William
C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA.Editors: Bert A. Goldman & David F.
Mitchell.Most current volume: 7 (1997).
This valuable directory provides researchers and
students easy access to recently developed
experimental mental measures, tests, and surveys that
are not commercially available. These measures have
been used by other researchers on topics ranging from
educational adjustment and motivation to personality
and perception. The tests are arranged in a 24-
category system and are grouped according to function
and content, noting purpose, format, psychometric
information (where available), and related research.
The newest category, Adjustment: Vocation,’ identifies
articles addressing burnout, vocational maturity, jobrelated stress, job frustration, and job satisfaction.
The directory has been updated periodically since
Volume 1 was published in 1974. Each volume has a
cumulative index which makes it easy to access any of
the 5,363 tests contained across the first six volumes.
¡ Measures for Psychological Assessment: A Guide to 3,000
Original Sources and Their Applications Publisher: Institute for
Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI.Editors: K. T. Chun, S. Cobb, & J. R. P.
French, Jr. Most current volume: 1975.
This text provides annotated references to thousands
of psychological measures first appearing in journal
articles or other publications. The first section, ‘Primary
References,’ lists each of these 3,000-plus article
references, along with the name of the measure and
one or more applications of this measure in other
experimental studies. The ‘Applications’ section lists
over 6,600 additional studies that provide experimental
tests or additional uses of the original measures.
Author and subject indexes are included.
This text can help the researcher answer such
questions as What empirical findings have been
produced by the use of a given measure? or What
additional information about a measure has been
acquired since its publication?
Although it contains a wealth of references to
experimental measures and corresponding research,
this text is outdated. It is a helpful resource when
looking for a specific measure appearing in the
literature during the 1960s or early 1970s, but you
would want to consult a more recent measure that is
appropriate for your need.
Other Directories
Directories covering unpublished tests also exist in a nonprint format. The
following is a summary of some of the more complete directories that fall into
this category.
¡ ETS Test Collection
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) Test Collection database
contains records on over 10,000 tests and research instruments.
These records describe the instruments and provides availability
information. ETS Library and Reference Services Division prepares
the descriptions. The ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and
Evaluation maintains the database and hosts the Search System.
The title, author, publication date, and source appear in the record.
An abstract describing the instrument, intended population, and
uses accompanies the record. Subject terms give the age and
grade level information as well as ERIC Thesaurus terms that
describe the test. For more information, call or write: ETS Test
Collection, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 08541, (609)
¡ Tests in Microfiche
Available through the Test Collection at the ETS, Tests in Microfiche
offers information on a multitude of educational and psychological
tests cited in the literature, but unavailable commercially. This
includes both never-published and out-of-print tests. Users who
purchase the microfiche may reproduce tests for their own use.
Currently, there are over 800 tests included, with new sets of tests
prepared annually and added to the cumulative set. These can be
purchased as a set or by individual title, and an annotated index is
available with each set. Also available is the Cumulative Index to
Tests in Microfiche (1975-1987), which indexes all tests available
for the first 13 sets of Tests in Microfiche. This reference is now
available at many college and university libraries. For more
information, call or write: ETS Test Collection, Educational Testing
Service, Princeton, NJ, 08541, (609) 734-5686.
¡ Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI)
Many measures created or modified for specific studies appear in
journals, but never become commercially available. This
computerized database (formerly known as the Health Instrument
File) publicizes their existence and allows researchers and students
to benefit from past work and avoid re-creating existing
instruments. HAPI uses controlled vocabulary descriptors from
APAs Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms and the National
Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). The
database, which is updated quarterly, contains over 15,000
instruments, most appearing in the literature between 985 and the
present. One particularly useful feature is that reliability and
validity can be used as keywords to access instruments with tested
psychometric properties. You could, for instance, search for all
instruments in your area with demonstrated test-retest reliability,
construct validity, or both.
HAPI is available at many college libraries through BRS Information
Technologies. Now, it is also available on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM
version is updated twice a year and costs $265 for an initial copy
and a semiannual update. For more information, contact: Evelyn
Perloff, Behavior Measurement Database Services, P.O. Box
110287, Pittsburgh, PA 15232-0787, (412) 687-6850.
¡ Using the PsycINFO Database
Suppose you are interested in group dynamics and want to locate a
measure of group cohesion to use for your project entitled
Cohesiveness Among Fraternities and Sororities. None of the tests
or surveys you found in the directories or databases seem suitable
for your study.
There is a chance that the measure you need is in the published
literature, but has not yet been referenced in any of these
directories. You can locate more tests through a literature search
at your library. Ask your reference librarian about PsycINFO, a
bibliographic database that indexes all published research in
psychology since 1967, Psychological Abstracts, the print
counterpart to PsycINFO, or PsycLIT, the CD-ROM version of
PsycINFO. Using keywords to denote your interest areas, you can
use the database to find citations for articles in your interest area.
PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts, and PsycLIT provide abstracts
for each article and will mention if the author developed a measure
in the context of the study. For articles that appear relevant, use
the citation to locate the study within the literature. (More
information on PsycINFO is available under the PsycINFO menu
pick in this Gopher server.)
These citations also include the university or organizational
affiliation of the authors, along with an address where you can
forward correspondence regarding the article. Write to the author
and ask for more information on the test or measure.
Depending on your research area, you may want to consult
reference sources in fields related to psychology. For example, the
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) of the American
Institutes for Research produces a database similar to PsycINFO
that indexes research published in the educational literature. In
addition, the ERIC Clearinghouse on Tests, Measurement, and
Evaluation (ERIC/TM) processes information on approximately
2,000 documents and 2,000 journal articles per year, specifically in
the area of testing and evaluation. Ask your reference librarian for
more information about such alternative sources.

A Final Word

Finding copies of unpublished tests and measures, or information about them,
can be easy if you follow the tips in this document. Remember that the
PsycINFO database is an excellent source of information on the very latest
developments in psychology, including testing.

Responsibilities of Test Users
Users of unpublished tests have certain ethical responsibilities. Users must (a)
contact the test author and request permission to use their test, and (b)
secure their permission in writing if the material is copyrighted. Locating the
author may be a difficult process, particularly if the measure is several years
old, but try the following steps:
1.Journal articles list the authors organizational affiliation (or university)
with a mailing address on the first page of the article. If the publication
is fairly recent, this method is almost always successful.

If this fails, directories published by scientific and professional
associations like APA could provide you with a more current address and
phone number for the author. This is useful if the article is several years
old and the author has moved since the article was published.
3.If these attempts to locate the author fail, contact the publisher holding
the copyright to the original material and request permission from the
publisher. Remember that APA holds the copyright to all material
published in APA journals.
No matter how difficult this process may seem, you should make every effort
to contact an author or copyright holder to secure permission before using any
test or other instrument.
Still have a question about finding tests? Contact the Testing Office of the APA
Science Directorate: testing@apa.org.
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