The second edition of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children (RATC-2) is an instrument used for the evaluation children’s social understanding, by assessing the child’s adaptive social perception (development measure) and maladaptive or atypical social perception (clinical measure). The test uniquely combines an open projection test with a norm-based examination, and is suitable for children between the ages of 6 to15. In the survey, children are shown 16 test pictures depicting children’s and adolescent’s everyday experiences, and are asked to tell a story about each one of them. The examiner’s manual describes an easy and objective method for scoring. Scales included in the test are: Theme Overview, Available Resources, Problem Identification, Resolution, Emotion, Outcome, and Unusual or Atypical Responses. The test usually takes between 30 to 40 minutes to administer, and approximately 15 minutes to score. The complete RATC-2 kit includes: 1 examiner’s manual, 1 set of 16 test pictures, 25 record forms, and 1 casebook.