The Hooper Visual Organization Test (VOT) is a brief screening test assessing neurological impairment through a quick measure of visual integration. The VOT is relatively unaffected by situational factors, and can be administered in less than 15 minutes to clients from the age of 5 onwards. It measures both general and specific cognitive functions, including: arousal, visual analysis and synthesis, concept formation, short- and long-term memory, and written or oral labeling of familiar objects. The test consists of 30 line drawings, each showing a common object?such as an apple or a ball?that has been cut into several pieces and scattered on the page like parts of a puzzle. The client?s task is to tell you what the object would be if the pieces were put back together correctly. The VOT kit includes: 4 Reusable Test Pictures Booklets; 1 Manual; 25 Test Booklets; 100 Answer Sheets; and 1 Scoring Key.